Principal: Mr Chad Smit –
Head of Primary: Mr Tom Evans –
Head of Secondary: Mrs Alison Moore –
Address: 3 – 11 Jiloa Way, DON 7310
Postal Address: PO Box 44D, DON 7310
Phone: (03) 6423 1373
Staff email addresses:
Communication by email is often the best way to be in contact with teachers and other staff. All staff have a DCS email address using the same formula:
surname first initial
Some examples: (Chad Smit) (Melanie Sargison) (Travis Cruse)
Primary School Times: 8:30 am start | 3:00 pm finish for K-6
Recess: 10:55 am – 11.25 am
Lunch: 12:45 pm (eating), 12:55 pm – 1.35 pm (playing)
Secondary School Times: 8:30 am start | 3:10 pm finish for Secondary
Recess: 10:35 am – 11.00 am
Lunch: 12:45 pm (eating), 12:55 pm – 1.35 pm (playing)
Office Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Uniform Purchases:
Can be made from the office during office hours 8:00am – 4:00pm
Kinetic are contracted by the State Government to provide a bus service for students. Any questions regarding bus routes and pick up times can be made by phoning Kinetic on 6427 7626. Maps are also available on their website:
For 2023 student cash fares will increase from $1.80 to $1.90. Students catching a dedicated school bus can purchase a sheet of 10 tickets for $15.20.
The following information will help you understand how we manage traffic flow around school drop-off and pick-up times.
The Kiss ‘n’ Drop Zone is a designated area for parents to come and quickly drop off or collect their children. When using the Kiss ‘n’ Drop Zone cars should not be parked for longer than two minutes and parents should not leave their car. If you wish to meet your children inside the school grounds, please park in the allocated spaces along the left hand side of the driveway.
If you wish to get out of your car and walk your children in, you will need to park your car using the left hand side parking spaces. As these parking spaces are at a 45 degree angle, please do not reverse park.
This area (opposite the drop off zone) cannot be used for parking when collecting or dropping off students, as cars will be pulling out of the drop off zone and driving through from Lapthorne Close. These spaces are only for staff or adult parking without children. This assists with our commitment that no children will be walking across the road.
Parents are encouraged to inform their students to be collected at either one of these three times as their preferred pick-up time; 3:00-3:10pm, 3:10pm-3:20pm and 3:20pm-3:30pm. This will help to minimise the number of adults on site at any one time as well as aid the flow of traffic. See pick up zones below for the areas students can be collected from.
Students have three different areas to wait at the end of the day; Kiss N Collect, beside the school oval on Jiloa Way and in the Kinder playground if waiting for a bus.
The first point of contact relating to your child is the classroom teacher. We have a well-established culture of clear and consistent communication that our teachers establish both inside their classrooms and with home. This results in a positive learning community where we appreciate and value communication.
Each level has team leaders supporting the learning within the team. If you have spoken with your child’s class teacher and wish for support about things within a teaching level you can contact the Learning Team Leaders.
Please contact the school office.
Contact the Business Manager, Mrs Kim Hill by phone on +03 6423 1373 OR email
Contact the bus owners:
Please contact the Principal, Board member Pip Martin OR enquire at the school office.
Please telephone the school office OR visit the school in person.
Please make an appointment to discuss the matter with the school Business Manger Kim Hill.
Any person with a query or concern is asked to speak directly to the person with whom they may have the concern. If a resolution is not found, please speak to the Principal who will arrange a meeting between the parties to assist in a process of reconciliation. Should the Principal be unable to bring about reconciliation, the matter can be passed on to the School Board.
Term 1:
Wednesday 7th February – Friday 12th April
Term 2:
Wednesday 1st May – Friday 5th July
Term 3:
Thursday 25th July – Thursday 26th September
Term 4:
Tuesday 15th October – Tuesday 10th December
Devonport Christian School acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Tasmania and their continuing connection to land, sea and community.
We pay our respect to them and their cultures, and to the elders past and present.